
2 min readAug 15, 2021


Quiz app using Flutter

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop cross platform applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase. The first version of Flutter was known as codename “Sky” and ran on the Android operating system.

Flutter uses Dart language.Dart is a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform

This quiz app contains a total of three-screen, the welcome screen where a user submits name than the main screen called the questions screen.

Each question has 4 options once the user click on the option if the answer is correct then it turns green otherwise red.

At the end score screen where you can check your score.

🎯 Task 11 🎯

♦️ Team Task ♦️

⚡Description : Till date whatever we have learnt in Flutter ,is need to be implemented in some way integrating other technologies with it

Show your creativity (Optional: Animations,Responsive UI,DB connection ,etc)

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#python #javascript #ml #dl #rightmentor #deepknowledge #linuxworld #vimaldaga #righteducation

Thanks and Regards

Team LW ✨

